Eunice R. Agbenyadzi, Head of Programmes at STAR-Ghana Foundation during the Civil Society Strengthening Fund (CSSF) inception meeting in Kumasi, said, “there are shifting priorities because we are funded by donors. We go where the money is. When donors withdraw, our work crumbles. So, dependency affects our ability to stay true to our mandate, and our #sustainability. That is what the CSSF programme seeks to address.”
She spoke on the rationale, purpose, and modality of the Civil Society Strengthening Programme – Shifting the Power (CSSP – #StP), and implications for the CSSF.
With funding from Comic Relief and the @Foreign Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO), the eight-year CSSP – #StP, being implemented by STAR-Ghana and West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI), seeks to enhance the #effectiveness, #responsiveness, and #resilience of Civil Society Actors.